The Kids are Home...Now What? 5 Fun Tips to Survive Social Distancing

With all the social distancing with the COVID-19 virus, many schools have been canceled anywhere from 6-8 weeks to the end of the year and lots of parents (myself included) have to work from home with their kids. I have weathered many a summer now with my kids at home with me while I work, so I have a few tips to help you with some ideas to keep the kids occupied and your sanity.
  1. Movies...Can you say DISNEY+? Do not be afraid to turn on a movie to have some downtime for your kids. I’m planning on one movie per day for quiet time and to get some time for me.
  2. Free educational worksheets- There are great resources
  3. Setup a flexible schedule- You need to get work done and your kid has school work to do so try to set a flexible schedule for them and yourself. I’m aiming for 1-2 hours of educational things that feel like learning daily and then sprinkling other learning activities in as we go. While they are doing more structured work (worksheets and reading) I will be working on my business items.                    
  4. Board Games- Bust out the scrabble yall! This is an awesome activity to keep your kids from turning into screen zombies and can be a fun learning opportunity.
  5. Have a dance party- Have fun and learn a new dance get loose 
****BONUS TIP**** Coloring pages for the win! When in doubt search for their favorite character + coloring page and print tell them to get creative! I have a few coloring sheets that I have made for my kids that you can download  <<<Click Here>>>
Remember things are scary for all of us right now. Try to make the most of our situation and remember it's only temporary.

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